Manufacturing Industry Associations
Organizations & Resources in Pinellas County, the Tampa Bay Region & the State of Florida

- American Manufacturing Skills Initiative
- The ARM Institute
- Association for Operations Management (APICS) Florida West Coast
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- American Society for Quality (ASQ), Section 1508
- Bay Area Manufacturing Association (BAMA)
- Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP)
- Florida Advanced Technological Education Center (FLATE)
- Florida Defense Contractors Association (FDCA)
- FloridaMakes
- Florida Medical Manufacturers’ Consortium (FMMC)
- Institute for Supply Management – Central Florida

Additional Links
- Manufacturing Association of Florida (MAF)
- National Defense Industry Association (NDIA/WID)
- National Tool and Machining Association (NTMA)
- Pinellas Technical College (PTC)
- Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) Chapter 159
- Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)
- St. Petersburg College (SPC) – Collaborative Center for Emerging Technologies (CCET)
- The People of Manufacturing (TPOMFG)
- Upper Tampa Bay Manufacturers Council
- Women in Defense (WID)
- Florida High Tech Corridor (FHTC)